
How best to collaborate writing articles in lawfirms or accountancy firms

Oh the horror! Collaborative authoring of articles in professional services ...

In a world where attention is increasingly hard to get from buyers, and content marketing has decimated traditional advertising, it seems like a good idea to spread the burden of writing articles as much as you can across your professional services firm. Yet how do you square this literary collectivism with the […]

Google Analytics exception monitoring

Proactive website monitoring is being added to our Google Analytics ...

In providing analytics reporting, we know that sometimes you want to be informed about something significant happening on your website  when it happens – rather than when you happen to notice it. You only want to know if it’s significant (reporting by exception) and you want some brief context at […]

Leverage from article syndication for professional services firms

Syndication: how much more exposure does it get your professional ...

Syndication – the process of publishing your articles as a professional services firm on additional channels apart from your own website – is a simple question of ‘where’s the biggest audience?’ for many firms. There are of course more complicated questions about: what the syndication service gives you in terms […]

Yes, organic traffic does correlate with people contacting your B2B lawfirm

Just how important is organic search to B2B-focused professional advisory ...

In presenting seminars on article writing for digital audiences to authors in professional services firms over the last 10 years we know there are some partners who are either publicly or privately sceptical about the value of search engine optimisation for their law or accountancy firm, and rightfully so in […]

My old Google Analytics data is kinda blurry

Ooops… we did a website redesign and lost our law ...

We often see counterproductive things happen when lawfirms and accountancy firms do website refreshes, some of which we’ve written about in “7 key things that go wrong with professional services firms’ website redesigns“. One of the less common but still significant mistakes we see made by web developers is the creation of […]

Is there a best way to measure your website's performance?

Which is more important for my firm’s website: Pageviews, Sessions ...

Your own website’s performance can be measured with a wide range of metrics: Unique Pageviews, Sessions, Users, Bounce rate, Medium and Page just to name a few (all these examples from Google Analytics, the free analytics framework installed on most lawyer and accountant website). And by cross-tabulating these metrics there […]

Proving articles bring in new business for lawyers and accountants

How do you prove article writing is really generating value ...

How do you really know your lawfirm or accountancy firm’s articles are generating value? A perennial question, given the time that goes into writing articles for many lawyers and accountants, is how to identify the value created. You will sometimes hear that article writing is primarily ‘ a way of […]

Four common issues with Google search ads for lawyers

In providing analytics for lawfirms and also in running some campaigns on behalf of clients we gain some insights about common issues that crop up on ad campaigns. While pay per click ads (Google search ads) are more common in plaintiff-facing law firms there are business law firms who run them […]

Is WordPress insecure and mainly for small law firms and ...

If you’re redoing the website for your professional services firm how should you go about choosing your developer and content management system? Our suggestion is always that you do it in this order: Which CMS platform? Does your prospective developer have significant experience with the CMS platform you’ve chosen? If cost is […]